Sir_Roach's Lair
G'day. My real name is Ted Leech - Sir_Roach is my internet handle.
Not that anyone is really interested but I am an ex-police officer and I spent 17 years in the South Australian Police Department. I escaped in 1991 and went to university where I got a couple of degrees (LLB Hons & B Comm). I am qualified to practise law and I hold a current practising certificate. However, I do not do too much of that.
I enjoy amateur photography but some have said that I am completely undeveloped as a photographer which is strange because I use a digital camera. I also have more enthusiasm than skill in building web pages. These two facts will become evident if you peruse my pages.
I love motor bikes owning an agricultural bike, a BMW sports tourer and two older BMW tourers, a veteran 1983 BMW R100RT and a 1988 K100RT.
That's me and two of my old tourers above. Click on the pictures to bring the full size pictures. The picture on the right was taken in Tasmania. The bike is my R 1100S. Those guys have some pretty neat scenery down there.
June 25th, 2008, brought Light to Australia. Due to land in Adelaide after landing downunder in Sydney that same morning, Lightblb appeared on time (and so did I).
This section chronicles Light Downunder - Click Here to see if Australia stands the strain.
From 3 June - 3 September 2003 it was off to North America for a tour by 1985 K100. Courtesy of brenn1 and her spousal unit who provided the motor cycle and also made this map.
USA pix Page 1
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The major point of building these pages was to put my bird pictures on the net so here we go ...
To: My bird pages:
OK. Now you budding herpetologists can have a look at my frogs and lizards.
And a few more general pics just for fun.
Creationism according to Ocker
A trip to SW Western Australia
Do you know the rules of the road in Western Australia?
Sir_Roach's solve-it-yourself Murder Mystery
Gilles Plains High School 1970 & 1971
Bird Week on Christmas Island 1 September 2006 - 7 September 2006
Marla the Marlin (or) A Fish Called Wenda.
Pickering Brook Sports Club :
An innovative idea for sewers to keep their bobbins without the thread tangling Brenn1, an internet
friend of mine who thinks she knows enough about movies to review them.
Hehehe hahaha.