More Pics
picture at left is a bridge over the Avon river near York. I understand
the annual Avon descent is the longest white water kayak event in the world but
I am willing to be corrected.
The pub at right is in the North West of the state. The beer goes down well but you have to share the bar with kangaroos which wander around at will.
I found the bug at left near York. On the right the full moon is rising.
Both these pictures were taken on the same morning. With the picture at left I was trying to catch the effect of the mist in the valley and failed miserably but accidentally caught a magnificent dawn sky. The web at right was diamond encrusted by the morning mist.
gallery just would not be complete without a couple of pictures of Perth in
different moods. At left is the city over the airport and at right under a
hole in the clouds on a stormy day.
rights I think I should have only one sunset picture on here but I could not
choose between them. The pictures at left and right were taken from my
back verandah. The picture of the setting sun below was taken on the
Nullarbor Plain through low cloud.
the horse? Well that is just because I like the picture.
two pictures were taken at Ceduna on 4 December, 2002. The picture at left
was taken 7 minutes before the eclipse became total and the sun was filtered by
a convenient cloud I admit to blatant opportunism in this case. The
picture at right was taken during the 30 seconds of total eclipse at 7.40 pm.
picture at left shows the sea off Ceduna 6 minutes before the eclipse became
total. The picture at right shows the Western end of the longest straight
stretch of road in Australia.
(left) picture show a mirage effect approaching the sand hills of Eucla.
The picture at right was taken from my lounge room window one morning.