Below are pictures from the 2003 BugTour.
Click on the thumbnails to bring a bigger picture. You can
download those pictures in the normal way but if you would like one or two higher resolution
pictures email me and request them.

More ornitholgical specimens. These are at Sebastian, Fl. |

Pelicans |

Guests at a rotary function in Sebastian. |

Sir_Roach does the social thing. |

Need I say more? |

The same function. |

Into the Smoky Mountains, SC |


Mist on the mountains - The Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina |

Ditto |

Smoky Mountains view. |

Bean station lookout |







A building in Cincinnati |

Cincinnati |

Still more Cincinnati |

Cincinnati from across the river in Kentucky.

An adjacent view |

The sun sets behind a tree |

A neat table tennis machine |

Ditto |

Lady Book & Mr Moolvy |

Sir_Roach and moo

... and on the instant reply ... |

Ms Book hurls abuse on irc. |

Cincinnati |

A church in Boston, Cambridge actually on the banks of the Mystic River. |