Friday Blb Day + 9

Friday morning dawned at Norseman.  The blb checked her email attended to her pictures


The first stop up the track was a small place called Widgiemooltha where we put enough fuel in the car to get to Coolgardie.  We were now into the Goldfields area of Western Australia.

Then there was more of the same.  You see a lot of this while driving across Australia.

After leaving Coolgardie, I started getting tired and decided to stretch my legs.  We saw a lookout indicated and so we went to have a look.  I am no geologist but it looked like a granite intrusion to me.  I suppose that would be consistent with the presence of gold and other minerals in the general area.  There were some interesting patches of moss.  The blb slipped into her role as a model.

The road from Coolgardie to Perth is dotted with roadhouses and towns.  The first big town, Southern Cross, marks the transition between the Goldfields and the Wheat Belt.  In the Wheat Belt is the town of Cunderin which boasts an Ettamogah Pub.  For non-Australians, Ken Maynard was one of Australia's best and most prolific cartoonists.  He created the Etamogoh Pub which lived in the pages of an Australian magazine, the Australasian Post from 1958 until his death in 1998.

Here Lightblb leaves the famous pub.  There are other Ettamogah Pubs in Albury-Wodonga, the Sunshine Coast and Sydney.


BD + 8

BD + 10

Lightblb Intro


Lightblb's Flickr Site.