Thursday Blb Day + 1
We had arranged to have lunch with friends at a farm near Second Valley, a small place South of Adelaide on the Fleurieu Penninsula. It was an eye opener to drive around with someone who had never seen the birds, animals, signs and other aspects of human occupation.
However, before we left, my Brother in Law, Craig decided it was necessary to fit the Blb out with an Aussie broad-brimmed hat. He put a bash in it according to the expressed preferences of the Blb. The second Pic is the lighthouse at Cape Jervis, the place where the ferry to Kangaroo Island leaves from. There is also a ferry that leaves from Port Adelaide.
There was a fresh wind which is not really conducive to wearing broad-brimmed hats and when she removed it her hair was a sight to behold.
left Cape Jervis and headed to the farm for lunch.
Chicken pie and salad was on the menu. Afterwards we wandered around. There were goats with which Lightblb appeared to have a certain affinity.
It is picturesque there.
It is populated with Adelaide Rosellas, Magpies, Lightblbs and other birds and Grass trees.
Lightblb checks out some of the other facilities.
from the house.
felt at home when she saw the alligator in the garden pond.
leaving we spotted a flock of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos.
In Victor Harbour, Lightblb commented on the menu in the local
take away shop. It
looked normal to me but not to the Floridian guest.
In the evening, Lightblb, who is amazingly photogenic found
herself before the camera with our host and hostess.