This Spotted Turtle-Dove makes an occasional visit to my garden at home in Pickering Brook.













This is a Peaceful photographed at Point Samson 2nd June 2006.                     Two of the same showing how they got their name.


The Dove at right is a Diamond Dove photographed at Wickham on the same day.




This pigeon is a Bar-shouldered dove.  I have no idea why it is called that or how common it is.   All I know is that this bird presented itself outside my motel window while I was in Broome (the North coast of Western Australia).




This tasty looking bird is a Bronzewing Pigeon.  There are plenty around this area.





At left is a pair of Crested Pigeons at Point Samson on 28 May 2006 and five days later I found this Spinifex Pigeon at Cossack





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