The Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo, as its name suggests, has a yellow tail in the Eastern states. However, here in the west it is known as a White-tailed Black-Cockatoo because it has a white tail. Apparently it is a different race of the same bird.
Galahs are found nearly all over Australia and often kept as pets. They have a reputation of being stupid which I suspect is a result of their antics. Some Australian drivers are known as Galahs because they have the same reputation from the same cause.
I believe (without being sure) that Rainbow Lorikeets are native to Eastern Australia and have established themselves in the west after being released. They are very pretty birds but it seems to me that they are thriving and spreading. If they are not endemic to the area, it is hard to see how they would not be putting pressure on local native birds. Perhaps there is an untapped industry here which cannot be developed because of laws protecting native fauna and outlawing their export.
In September 2004 I found a flock of Regent Parrots in the Wheat Belt of Western Australia near Narrogin.
At least for 2 1/2 years I thought I did. However, Frank O'Connor of WA Birds Australia pointed out in February 2007, that they are in fact Elegant Parrots. Whoops. Thank you Frank.
This brightly coloured fellow at right was on a roof in Canberra on 19 August 2005. He is a Crimson Rosella. We don't get them here in Pickering Brook.
On 16 March 2006 I was in Port Arthur, Tasmania when I took these three pictures of what I thought was an Eastern Rosella. However, Simpson & Day, "The Birds of Australia" set me straight. These are also Crimson Rosellas but of a different race from the Canberra variety.
*Sigh* Wrong again. Frank O'Connor of W.A. Birds Australia tells me they are actually Green Rosellas
These guys on the left are Western Rosellas and very camera shy. All these shots were taken long distance and have been blown up. One day I will get some good shots. One day ...
Both pictures here are of the brighter coloured male. The females are greener and nowhere near as pretty - unless. of course, you are a Western Rosella.
day ..." arrived down the Southwest near the Gloucester Tree. There were
some picnic tables set up for visitors and the local Western Rosella population
was obviously well adapted. They are thumbnails. Click on them for a
larger picture.
The Port Lincoln Ringneck also known as the Twenty Eight Parrot is very common from the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia through to the Indian Ocean. It is a beautiful bird but causes damage to some fruit crops.
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