I spotted this Osprey about 300 km North of Perth on 19 January, 2003. I was astonished that he or she actually cooperated while I took several photographs.
Two other Ospreys were perched not far away.
The Black-shouldered Kite is distributed nearly all over Australia and commonly seen in Pickering Brook. It is almost identical to the Letter-winged Kite, the only perceptible difference being a small black triangle just behind each eye which is lacking in the Letter-winged Kite. In addition the Letter-winged Kite hunts at night and roosts during the day making it hard to observe; I have never identified one.
They are often seen hovering over fields. Notice the evil looking talons.
Black Kite is said to exist almost all over Australia but I hav enever seen one
except in Northern areas. This one was captured by the camera at Katherine
on 2 August 2005.
The Brahminy Kite is found only along the North coast of Australia. This one was located near Wickham, W.A. on 28 May 2006.
Collared Sparrowhawk is also found all over Australia. One quiet Sunday
afternoon, I was in the garden and wondering why no birds were around when my
attention was attracted to a bang on the roof of a garden shed. When I
looked I saw a cloud of white feathers and a Sparrowhawk arriving on the scene
at a rapid rate. Apparently the quarry (which later turned out to be a
dove) was lying doggo in some grass. When I went for a look the Sparrowhawk
waited on the fence some distance away and glared at me malevolently as I took
these photographs. In due course he moved to a nearby tree.
moved closer to the dove to have a look to see if it was dead. It was
not. It took off and flew away but, unfortunately for the dove, it vectored
past the tree in which its predator was lurking. Following, two very fast
circuits directly above my head like a Spitfire on the tail of a Stuka, there
was another cloud of feathers and it was lunchtime for
the Sparrowhawk. It was a very bad day for the dove.
On 25th March 2010 I was again graced with the presence of a Collared Sparrowhawk
The Australian Kestrel is seen all over the Australian mainland and Tasmania. They are occasionally seen around Pickering Brook but this one was photographed at Pardoo in the far North of Western Australia.
The one at right was photographed near Port Augusta in South
Australia where they are prolific.
I am also graced with a pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles occasionally. However, they have not yet cooperated with the resident amateur photographer. But watch this space ....
Well somewhat limited success This pair (below left) took a break from soaring on a large dead tree in the forest next to my home. I tried to get closer for a better photograph but they declined to cooperate again.
During the last half of 2007 a Little Eagle has taken up residence in the environs of Pickering Brook. On the right some Australian Magpies are giving it curry.
This Australian Hobby was found loafing in Wickham, WA on 28 May, 2006.