Every now and then I am graced with a Rainbow Bee Eater at Pickering Brook but I have never seen as many as this all together. I took this photograph at Pardoo close to the coast in the far North of Western Australia on a cold rainy day in the dry season of the tropics (such are the pleasures of riding motor cycles). Try counting the beaks and the tails.
In June 2006 I managed to get a photo which shows the colours better.
the weather is warm enough, Swallows are found everywhere around the world
aren't they? Pickering Brook is no different.
These are Welcome Swallows.
Tree Martins are common here but very rarely seem to stop flying. They feed on the abundance of insects here in summer.
My neighbour insists that when these birds land on the ground it will rain within seven days. I have not been able to properly test his thesis but it certainly rained in the seven days after I took these pictures.
3rd June 2006 I photographed this odd bod near Wickham on the North Coast.
It is a Richard's Pipit but it took a long time to identify it. However,
in October out in the Wheat Belt near Pingelly I managed to photograph another,
less elusive specimen.
Distributed throughout Australia is the Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike.
And on the right is a bird which I have only seen once even though it is
apparently distributed all over Australia. It is a White-winged Triller -
I think.