Tasmania 2009 -2010 Page: 4
Melbourne and Deloraine, Tasmania.
We had planned on staying in Geelong. We had not booked but we did not anticipate any problem. We were wrong. It seemed that every man and his dog went to Geelong for New Year's eve. A phone call to my friend Janene in Melbourne meant that we had somewhere to sleep for the two nights before we caught the Spirit of Tasmania
Janene, our hostess, put us up at short notice after Geelong was booked out. She is ready for anything anytime and can achieve all things with nothing. She also has three gorgeous daughters. |
Kevin insisted on getting up at the crack of dawn on 2nd January so we could get down to the ferry and wait interminably :) |
It was just getting dark as we arrived but in the morning the majesty of the place became apparent. We had found the place on the internet and we had no idea what it was like.
We hit the jackpot! This place is just beautiful. |
It is perched on a lake which abounds with ducks and swans one of which was nesting on the other side of the lake. |
The room cost $130.00 for the night but that $45.00 each bought us a slice of Paradise |
We could tether the horses under cover. |
A Black Swan |
I guess there will be cygnets in due course. |
There was even a White-faced Heron. |
There were supposed to be internet connections in the rooms but I did not read the book properly and did not know. |
The cottage that we occupied had two bedrooms, one with a queen size bed and the other with bunk beds. The show recess in the bathroom was extra large and had two shower heads. I had never come across that idea before but, depending on one's travelling companion(s), it has definite merit.